Everyone needs to know what’s on the GED test in order to be well prepared.
The online GED prep course is an online programme designed to help students develop the skills needed to pass the GED® tests. It is a course approved by the GED Testing Service® and Go Prep™ (previously Online GED Prep™) is an authorized service provider.
Whether you are a homeschooler, or anyone needing a grade 12 equivalent* the online GED prep will help you to study and prepare to reach your goals.
Not only is this software seriously affordable, it also provides wonderful instruction and practice for the exams.
Julia Katic
What’s on the GED® Tests?
The GED Test® has been updated and aligned with 21st century college- and career-readiness standards. Unlike other traditional exams, it tests a range of skills, such as reading comprehension, critical thinking, analysis, interpretation and evaluation etc. rather than focusing largely on the memorisation of facts.
Click on these icons to find out what you can expect on each of the GED® tests.

Online GED classes, tailored to meet your needs
To make preparing for the GED® as convenient and as stress-free as possible, Go Prep™ provides you with study programme that includes online lessons, practice tests and progress reports.
After an initial assessment a unique, customised online GED® study programme is presented for you to follow to make sure that you master the skills you still need in order to pass the test in each subject.
For example, in maths, the programme will show you that you have mastered fractions, but you need to work on exponents and graphs before you will be ready to ace the GED® math test!
Less stress, more control
Let’s face it, writing tests and exams can be stressful. Not with Go Prep™ and the online GED® prep course!
The practice tests will give you scores and they will be used to assess when you are ready to book your tests. By following a personalised programme to help you brush up on the skills you need and by seeing the measure of your progress, you will grow in confidence – an essential trait for success!
Depending on how many hours you study per day, you could have your GED® credential sooner than you imagined. You will know when you are ready to write and pass the tests as the progress reports will show you!
With the GED®, there is no panic or cramming before an exam date. You book and write each test on any available date, when you are ready, when it suits you.
The more time you are able to devote to your online lessons and GED® test preparation, the sooner you can write the tests, but if you need more time to master the content and skills required, you can take as long as you need. The course is self-paced – no pressure.
Go Prep™ (previously Online GED Prep™) South Africa is the solution to study for your GED® online!
I have no problems understanding the work. The assignments are superb and I am very happy with the my progress and the program.
Owethu Dlamini
Choose Go Prep™ South Africa for the grade 12 equivalent solution you need.
*SAQA (the South African Qualifications Authority) has evaluated the GED® and found the National Senior Certificate as its closest comparable qualification. SAQA evaluates each submission of a foreign qualification on a case by case basis and therefore students with a GED® are eligible for SAQA Foreign Qualification evaluation.