After completing your GED®, you can consider furthering your education by studying a diploma course – either online or offline through a tertiary college or university.
The following online diplomas are offered by various accredited South African distance education colleges and universities.
There are a growing number of universities, colleges and other tertiary institutions which now offer their courses online and/or at their campuses.
Check out our growing list of places where our past GED graduates are studying or where you could study too! Only a few are listed below on this page.
Where do GED Graduates Study?
What is a Diploma?
A diploma course provides tertiary level, career-oriented training to prepare you for work in a specific field. The course is a combination of academic training as well as specialised, practical skills required in that industry or profession. Diploma courses may be offered on a full-time or part-time basis and may vary in length from one to three years.
National Diplomas (NQF Level 5)
A national diploma can be obtained after completing a senior certificate or trade certificate. It is recognised in South Africa, but may not be recognised when applying for a job in another country.

Higher Diplomas (NQF Level 6)
A higher diploma can be nationally and/or internationally recognised, depending on the establishment. Always check the accreditation of the specific course you wish to study.
Students who successfully complete a National Diploma course, can usually enrol for a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree in the same field of study.
What is the difference between a diploma and a degree?
With a degree qualification it is firstly necessary to qualify for exemption from USAf (Universities South Africa). The empasis is on an academic approach to a specific field of study or a profession. In some fields, a degree qualification is required in order to be licensed practice a specific profession. Degree programmes are also offered part-time or full time. Certain programmes also require industry training or work experience in that industry.
Always check that the course you choose is correctly accredited and will be accepted in the field or industry in which you intend to work.*
To see the various courses you can study with a GED, check out Where do GED Graduates Study?
Online Diplomas
Boston City Campus & Business College
Boston City Campus & Business College (Pty) Ltd Reg. No. 1996/013220/07 (‘Boston’) is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a private higher education institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997 (Act No. 101 of 1997). Registration Certificate No. 2003/HE07/002.
- Diploma in Systems Development
- Diploma in Network Systems
- Diploma in Financial Accounting
- Diploma in Human Resource Management
- Diploma in Business Management
- Diploma in Marketing Management
- Diploma in Event Management
BMT College
More online learning colleges in South Africa:
- College SA – offers over 200 courses, some accredited and some non-accredited courses
- INTEC College – vocational and industry-specific courses
- Oxbridge Academy
- Milpark Education – courses and degrees in business, commerce, investment and banking
For more options, go to Where do GED Graduates Study?
*Disclaimer: Although every effort has been taken to provide accurate and correct information, Go Prep™ shall never be liable for losses or other damages that may result from inaccuracy or incompleteness of information on this website about universities, colleges or their requirements.