These are GED® success stories, Go Prep™ reviews (previously Online GED Prep) and testimonies from homeschooling parents whose children have completed their GED® credential. Some students shared their stories online themselves. Many graduates with a GED® have been accepted at universities and colleges in South Africa and elsewhere.
Click here for more of Go Prep’s Online GED Customer Reviews.
We’d love you to submit your GED success stories to inspire and encourage others.
Is the GED® accepted at universities and colleges?
A few testimonies from 2024
Zim Sifuba – My oldest is studying Architectural Technology at Inscape (he plans to enrol for a degree in Interior Design next year), and the middle one is pursuing a B.Sc (Computer Science) at University of the People.
Marna Louw – My son completed a degree in Kinesiology online at Georgia Military College. Really brilliant.
Brigett Egerton – My daughter has just completed a B.Com
Gemma Hartnick – My eldest did a B. Ed and then B. Comm Accounting, number 2 went the same route and is now doing a B. Comm Finance.

Erika Adendorff – My one daughter is studying at Petsense College and the other is starting Internship for Organic Farmer
Sonika Sutton – B.Sc IT (Software Engineer) at Eduvos
Chantal Potgieter-Ghaloub – My son did NQF5 at Boston. Currently doing BA Psychology at SACAP. He did his first few months online as he was abroad but changed to campus in Cape Town recently. For online and on campus we are both very pleased. High standard of education and ongoing support for the student. I highly recommend SACAP! SACAP have NQF5 courses but we chose Boston City Campus as they did not require the GED to be evaluated as equivalent to RSA matric.
Tammy De Fin – My eldest is doing his Masters in Theology, my second did personal training, sports nutrition and became a doula. Now studying events and doing missions in Africa. My third is at Boston Media doing second year double major in PR and Digital Marketing. My fourth is first year Theology. And number 5 is studying sound production and music business through Abbeys Road.
Ranolene Pillay – Just completed my degree in Social Sciences at Boston City Campus hoping to continue my studies in Psychology.
Delmondt Cookson – Daughter was accepted for a B.com Law at Boston
Angela West – My son did a 3-year course at Capsicum Culinary and now he’s getting a higher diploma in computer science.
Chrystil Pearson – Mine did a Social Media Management online UK course, and is now working as a freelance Social Media Strategist & Content Creator for US & UK based businesses. Loves being able to manage own time & schedule.
Tsholofelo Kgoale – My son is studying diploma in system applications at Boston College.
Jannet Wood – My son graduated with a 3-year Graphic Design Diploma at Inscape.
Edwina Gafney – My daughter has just completed her Bachelor of Social Science through Boston College.
Hanlie van Gend – My daughter finished a degree at Open Window this year. My son completed his B.Sc Computer Science successfully at University of the People.
Jacqui Burne – My daughter is studying Psychological Biochemistry at a university in Israel.
Tania Bosch – My daughter has just completed a higher certificate in Graphic Design at Red & Yellow Creative School of Business.
Carla Cronje – My daughter did a higher certificate in Counselling and Communication skills at SACAP in 2024.
She is accepted for B.Psych degree at SACAP for 2025.
Yes! Read these testimonies and check out the growing list of institutions: Where do GED Graduates Study?

Hannah Goodall studied for a higher diploma in Interior Design at Inscape in Durban. She opted not to do the degree program, as she was less interested in the research and theoretical aspects of the field. She was accepted on the basis of her GED alone. She excelled over all 3 years, never scoring below distinction in any subject. She finished as the top student, with an average of 82%. We feel that the GED taught Hannah to think and learn in a way which is suited to the modern workplace, and there were many times when she was able to think “outside the box” to solve problems, where her fellow (traditionally schooled) students were stumped. ~ Alice Goodall

Update: Rebecca Goodall (see below) completed her first year of Bachelors in Game Development and Design at Vega in Durban. She finished second in her large class, with an average of 87%. She was one of only 7 students to pass the math exam (examined at NQF6) with 84%. She obtained distinctions is all subjects, including art, which she has never studied before this year.
~ Alice Goodall

Liam van Rooyen completed B.Sc degree in Health Sciences MAGNA CUM LAUDE at the online University of the People in March 2023. He was a top-scoring student and was on the Dean’s list. He starts working at a Cryo Lab in SA from April onwards.
Read Liam’s GED Success Magna Cum Laude

Allyson Pietersen completed her GED in 2018 and the SAT in 2019. She has now completed her studies in 2022 in BSc Information Science majoring in Business Systems and she passed Cum Laude. She studied at IIE MSA in Roodepoort Gauteng. She was offered an internship at a private hospital in Stellenbosch and started in April 2023.

Brent is a GED graduate who has achieved the Honours List and the Dean’s List while studying for his BSc in Computer Science at the University of the People. He intends to work in South Korea afterwards. Read Brent’s GED Success Story

My eldest is doing his masters in theology, my second did personal training, sports nutrition and became a doula. Now studying events and doing missions in Africa. My third is at Boston Media doing second year double major in PR and Digital marketing. My fourth is first year theology. And number 5 is studying sound production and music business through Abbey Road [Institute].

Grant du Plessis completed an NQF5 certificate at Akademia Universiteit. With the NQF5 he was eligible for any BA qualification, but his mind was set on studying a B.Sc Maths. He enrolled for Grade 12 maths at Mastermaths. Akademia then accepted him for B.Sc Mathematical Science.

Jonathan Erwee scored top marks on his GED and enrolled for a B.Sc in Computer Science through the University of the People. He works for Go Prep as our customer service manager, ensuring everything runs smoothly!

My daughter completed her GED in 2021 and is now in 2nd year studying to be a chef (diploma year) at A Sense of Taste Chef School in Maitland. We used Shirley and the team at Go Prep™ (previously Online GED Prep), very happy with the help and advice received. ~ Debbie Hawtrey

Kayleigh completed a Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) at an overseas university in 2024.
Read Kayleigh’s success story

Rebecca Goodall completed a higher certificate in Web Design and Mobile App Development, which she completed in 2022. She graduated with 97%, the highest mark across all courses at IIE Vega Durban campus. She was given two special awards for her academic achievements at the graduation ceremony. She is now studying towards a BCIS in Game Development and Design.

Niel completed his GED, achieved a B.Com degree in Management Accounting and graduated with a success entrepreneurial business venture too.
His mother tongue is Afrikaans. He studied at Academia University, while establishing his business venture on the side.
Read Niel’s GED success story in Afrikaans and English: Niel se GED-Suksesstorie

Lucille worked as an au pair in Switzerland and Belgium from 2016-2019. Then, with the combination of the GED® and SAT, she was accepted to study at 3 overseas universities in 2020.She completed a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) degree at Massey University in New Zealand in 2022 in the top 5% of her class. Read Lucille’s GED® Success Story

Jorja van Niekerk is a GED graduate, now studying a B.Com Law at Boston City Campus. She was accepted with a GED alone. Boston handles the application to USAf for exemption for their students with a GED. More on the link above.

In December 2017, Lee-Anne Hudson completed her IGCSE exams at a school in Zambia. As her sister was studying for the GED, Lee-Anne decided to do the same, so that she could get to study the course that interested her most: Tissue Culture (Micro-propagation). In March 2019 she started studying Horticulture through ACS Distance Education, Australia. Despite suffering a massive shoulder injury, which delayed her studies for a time, she graduated with an Advanced Certificate in Horticulture in 2024.
“My final exam ended up being my highest mark of my whole course 85%. Since I graduated I spend more time in the nursery and working with the plants and enjoying every chance to be out working with them. The GED open up doors for me when I was 17.”

After completing his GED, Dylan du Preez was accepted to study an NQF 5 in Conservation Ecology at the Academy for Environmental Leadership outside Upington.
He was the youngest student on campus. While studying he applied for a TETA (Transport Education Training Authority) bursary to qualify as a commercial diver. The bursary of just under R200 000 for 16 weeks training was granted as diving is a scarce skill.
After completing his NQF 5, he qualified as a Class 2 diver and is now living and working in Port Elizabeth as a freelance commercial diver.

Anja le Roux completed her BA in Psychology through Cornerstone Institute in 2022. Her testimony is on video here.
“I just thought I would share the good news that Cornerstone Institute where my daughter is studying Psychology after her GED is recognized by the Health Professionals Council of South Africa (HPCSA). That means when she starts practicing she will probably be able to claim from medical aids. (Including of course that she also completes her Honours and Masters).
Anja is completing her degree this year and will be doing her honours next year. Her marks are great and she received a lovely recommendation with her academic transcript. I am so thankful for this journey!” ~ Hannelie le Roux, August 2022

I chose GED because it was what I needed to get into animation school.
The GED® prep was amazing! It was easy to progress through and really helped me prepare for writing my GED®.
Justin Meyer, May 2020
Update October 2024: After completing a course in online animation studies at AnimSchool, Justin enrolled at a university in Ohio, USA, in 2021 to study Gaming Engineering Technology.
He earned academic honours on the President’s List, which requires achieving a minimum of a 4.0 grade point average. In his final year, 2024, he single-handedly created a “Universe of Opportunity,” a virtual reality experience that offers tours of Ohio’s two- and four-year colleges, universities and technical centers. They were so impressed they published this article about his achievement:
Justin’s Journey

Chanté Blignaut, did her GED in 2018 and her SATs in 2020. She is now studying health sciences online through University of the People. She did their basic university course and health psychology last term and got 99.5% for and 97.6% respectively. She is now doing Biology and English composition 2 and just got 100% for both her 1st tests. She decided that she wants to study medicine only after she did her GED so we are hoping that her Associate’s degree at UoPeople would be a stepping stone to get into a German medical school or maybe to transfer to an American university. Magri Blignaut, September 2021

I chose the GED® because it was required for my area of tertiary studies.
The GED® was good preparation for me. I appreciated how they tried to make the educational experience entertaining.
I’m currently finishing up my Animation studies and I was accepted to attend a University in the USA this year.
Nathan Meyer, May 2020

Vaughan van Heerden was accepted to study a degree in Psychology at SACAP (The South African College of Applied Psychology). Read Vaughan’s GED® Success Story – it’s truly inspirational!

I am a student in the Mangosuthu University of Technology campus (South Africa). I am currently doing my Nature Conservation Diploma as I am into the Environment. Later on I would do something based on advanced mathematics. I have overcome my fear of Math thanks to the GED® programme. It makes you go to another level although GED® math wasn’t easy. I passed it in my first attempt and that was a huge achievement for me. Thank you to Ms Shirley and the team for the support and timeous response to my queries. God bless.
Sai Pillay, May 2020

I completed the GED in April 2019. My lowest score was 179/200 and my highest score was 197/200 for math. Soon afterward, I started studying a Bachelor of Commerce in Law degree at a South African college.
G.D, March 2021

GED® graduate accepted at university and studying two degrees: B.Com and B.Sc

Since completing my GED® [with Online GED Prep™, now called Go Prep™] in May of 2017 I applied successfully for foreign conditional exemption to start my studies at Varsity College – a degree in Finance and Accounting (B.Com).
I am finishing my degree this November, 2020.
Furthermore I have applied at other universities to enroll for my honours degree next year in 2021.
I am also an actively registered student at the online University of the People for a Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Science.
GED® accepted at chef school – GED Success Story

I wrote to you many years back as I was so unsure of my homeschooling choice and you encouraged me and because of your kindness, I stuck to my choice and have never regretted it. Best decision ever. My children are finished with homeschooling and are young adults. My son is 25 and my daughter 22. My daughter is doing her GED® now. We are not in a hurry.
My son did his GED® when he was 19. He used his GED® to apply at Capsicum Culinary Studio to study for a chef and was accepted there for a course of 18 months that led to what they called an executive chef qualification. It was through London City and Guilds and he was part of the last group that could take the course through London City and Guilds. What negative opinions he came up against as he entered his course of study. He just ignored all these false perceptions and did really well. The first year, he passed with a distinction and the second he became one of only three students out of a class of over forty to succeed at his final practical and examination the first time around. And so our little homeschooler became an adult and a fully qualified chef.
Update: March 2021: I was so excited this morning, I laughed and cried at the same time. Shirley, I contacted you about my son trying to get into UNISA. He looked around at things there and then heard about AFDA. He saw that AFDA offered a BA in film making and so he applied. He has always been fascinated with movie production, telling a story and likes all sorts of documentaries. He thought that if his GED and qualifications were not enough then he could perhaps take the entrance exam. He was accepted to study at AFDA with his GED and his cheffing qualification. Although we sent his qualifications to SAQA, we are still waiting for them to come back to us with the NQF levels but the registrar at AFDA gave my son approval for their bachelor’s programme without it. This morning my son went to fetch his student card and they activated it for him as well as giving him his acceptance letter. We are so happy. Here starts another journey for our homeschooler and our chef will now become a movie maker.
Kind regards to you and yours,
Sally Vermeulen
How long does it take to do the GED®?
The GED® is very flexible, so you can take as little or as much time as you need. You can accelerate your studies if you choose, as exams can be written year round. There is also no deadline. You can take as long as you need to prepare for each test as they do not have to be written within a given time frame.

I wrote my last exam yesterday, passed all four. I just want to thank you for everything, whenever I needed something you were there. I’m very excited for the future, thanks to you and the program I can start the next phase of my life.
Ann-drea Wilkins, March 2019

Jonathan Erwee was homeschooled from grade 1. He completed his GED® in January 2018. He scored 177 and higher for all his subjects, with a top score of 197/200 for Maths. He works for Go Prep™ and plans to pursue a career in IT programming.

I completed my GED® this year, I will start my diploma in animal health next year. If you are considering GED®, DO IT. It is a wonderful programme and you are never alone in this.
Ann-drea Annie Stock, September 2019
GED® Parent Testimonials
GED® accepted at online universities

My son finished GED® last year (2018). He is studying a Bachelors degree in Computer Science, through University of the People. He started in April 2019.
Renel Wagener, April 2019

So proud. Kyle and Ryan got their certificates from USAF and have both been accepted to study for their BSc at UNISA in 2020
Thank you Shirley Erwee and the GED® team.
Delanie Flanegan, September 2019

Liam just finished his first year at University of the People, BSc Human Sciences, (to go onto Medicine) on the Dean’s list. He achieved an average of 95% for the year.
Deidre van Rooyen, April 2020

Thank you, Shirley, for your help and you have really helped us all. We have saved a lot with GED. Our son loved it – did well – going to study a teaching degree. Thank you, thank you so much. God bless you and your family too.
~ Tubby Davids, November 2019

Great excitement as we just heard that my daughter was accepted to study BA Psychology at Cornerstone Institute next year as her first step in becoming an Art Therapist…
We went to AIE [Academic Institute of Excellence] yesterday because my son wants to become a draughtsman and they said they accept GED® with a SAQA letter.
Hannelie Le Roux, September 2019

My son has been accepted to do BS Psychology at a college in the US. He also got a tennis scholarship. I don’t know where to start to thank GED®.
~ M. S. [name withheld on request]
April 2019

My daughter Alexandra did the GED®/SAT combo. She is studying Nursing in Australia with the goal to become a midwife.
She could have entered the Honours Program for Nursing/Midwifery from the start at ECU with the GED/SAT combo, but due to financial constraints we opted for the University Pathways program.
It is cheaper and she can start earning quicker. It only adds an extra semester to the entire process.
~ Sandra T. , April 2019

My son, Caleb, completed his GED® end of November 2018 and is enrolled at University of the People to do his BSc Computer Science.
My daughter wrote her GED® in 2017 and is currently doing her BSc through University of the People.
This is her second term on Dean’s list which means her GPA is 3.5 and higher. Her marks, this last term, averaged 90%.
~ Clarissa Strickland, April 2019

Nevada and Andrea both work for me as teaching assistants, Andrea wrote her GED® + SAT in 2016. Nevada wrote hers in 2017. Andrea is also studying B.Com marketing at Boston College, Khyle wrote his GED in 2018 and has a part time job at our local vet while he is on his gap year. Andrea’s boyfriend, Jono, wrote his GED® in 2014, and he is an IT technician.
None of these youngsters had any troubles finding employment.
~Tina-Lynn Jones, March 2019

Bethany de Waal
I left school in grade 9, I had to travel for modelling to Milan and Paris and the school would not allow it. My mom purchased the GED and I managed to finish it in 9 months in-between local shoots. I purchased the practice exam right before the main exam for every subject and it really helped.
I am now free to travel and do what I love best.
Thanks to online GED, I have appeared in numerous Vogue magazines around the world. I have been able to do shoots in Italy, Switzerland, Paris, Barcelona, and London. I plan to study through the University of the People. I really recommend the GED. It was not difficult and very user friendly!
Customer Testimonials
More GED® Success Stories
April 2019
April 2019 Mary-Ann G. is a second year student studying a BA in Industrial Design at UJ. She is the only student in her year to pass with Cum Laude.
Delmondt G Cookson: My daughter is at Elsenburg College – Higher Certificate in Animal Production with option of changing to B.Agric in 2nd year.
Chantell Bothma Pretorius GED® 2018 Hebron Theological College
Terri Ashley-Cooper Hannah AshleyCooper, studying Herbalism in the UK.
Jorika Coetzee My daughter finished in just 5 months… at SACOB doing Accounting
Aneen G: My daughter is in her third year of a degree in Pastoral Counselling.
Jill W: Her son was accepted for a B.Sc in Engineering at Stellenbosch in 2019. She said: “He got in (a real fight – after doing his NBT and SATS )and seems to be coping (except he’s battling with Chemistry)”
Advice from Online GED Prep: Students who wish to pursue a degree in the Sciences would be wise to take additional Maths and Science courses in preparation for university, as the GED® Maths and Science is not as comprehensive as many other courses.
March 2019
“Annette has passed her GED® and she is enrolled at Open Windows for her 3 year degree in Visual Communication Design. Thanks for all your help over last year.”
Tina-Lynn Jones
Debbie van Heerden Vaughan is studying [a degree in Psychology at SACAP] and has been working as a movement teacher for me …Aidan got a job at a well know accounting firm and has been offered s bursary by the same firm for studying further …Donatella has a office job and applied at NOSA …Lethabo is studying further at Emmendy for gaming development..works for his parents at their church ..all my students have work and or studying or both
November 2018
Jacky de Klerk Just a short note to all those concerned about the GED® credential. My son was accepted to study “Pastorale Sielkunde” [Pastoral Psychology] Got accepted with just a copy of his results! He will study 4 years up to his Masters and then will be accepted (RPL route) to do his Dr’s degree at Potch University!
August 2018
Ilse van Staden My second happy dance for this month! My other son has also received his Letter of Acceptance for BA studies at SAE! I am every so thankful!!!
Makabongwe Mnisi who passed his GED® in November 2017 and was already provisionally accepted to AFDA Film School.
Jason Holm enrolled in March 2017, completed his GED in 10 weeks by 15 May 2017 . He has been accepted to study a three year diploma in General Management at Lyceum College next.
Nevada Jones wrote and passed all 4 GED® tests on one day on 12 June 2017.
Aneke du Preez completed her GED® in 4 months and was accepted to study Foundation Phase Education through UNISA. January 2017
From a parent via whatsapp: Twins have already been accepted by Aros (B.Ed) and SAE (BA – film industry) subject to university exemption….
Yvette van Zyl, who runs a learning centre shared: “AFDA also accepted one of my students for next year!” (AFDA, The South African School of Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance) July 2017
Johan S failed matric, but the GED® gave him a second chance to get his grade 12 equivalent. He started his own business and then opted to study to be an electrician. Read Johan’s GED® Success Story
Aneke I just wanted to thank you for all your help and support. I always felt like I wasn’t smart enought to stay in public school, but I have new vision. I would just like to share my awesome exciting news with you. I got accepted to Unisa today and I already did my registration.
Thank you so much for everything. I still can’t believe I got my GED and I got into Unisa and it all got accomplished in 4 months.
You can become our next GED® success story.