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What is the GED®?
The GED® is a high school Grade 12 equivalency* credential.
In the early 1940’s veterans returning to the Unites States after World War II needed to obtain academic credentials to get civilian jobs and gain access to tertiary education or training. The GED® test was developed for this purpose, similar to an adult matric. It has subsequently been written by more than 17 million students in the USA and around the world, including South Africa!
All fifty states in the United States officially offer the GED® tests and they are written in more than 3000 testing centres worldwide.
GED® Performance Standards
“The total testing time for the full battery of four subject-area tests is comparable to the current international test at approximately 8 hours. The performance standards were set based on a standardization and norming study conducted with US high school graduates who received their diplomas in 2013. The minimum passing score for the GED® test represents that a student that passes the GED® test is in the top 85% of the graduating class of US High School Seniors.
This document explains how the GED® scores are calculated and how they should be interpretted.
Reported Scores for the GED® Test
Test Scores
The GED® test has a range of 100 – 200 Scaled Score points and is subdivided into four performance levels:
[Please note that levels 3 and 4 are only applicable or relevent in the USA.]
Performance Level 1: Below Passing (Scaled Scores 100 – 144)
Performance Level 2: Pass/High School Equivalency (Scaled Scores 145 – 164)
Performance Level 3: GED® College Ready (Scaled Scores 165 – 174)
Performance Level 4: GED® College Ready+Credit (Scaled Scores 175 – 200)
Any student who achieves a minimum score of 145 on all four subjects has passed the GED® test and is awarded a high school equivalency credential from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, Washington, D.C. The higher performance levels are designed to stratify student performance and provide post-secondary institutions additional information about a student’s skills and knowledge, as follows:
● Students who earn a GED® College Ready score likely have the skills to start credit-bearing college/university-level courses, without the need for placement testing or developmental/remedial education courses, depending on the policies of the institution to which they are applying. This represents the top 27% of high school graduates in the U.S.
● Students who earn a GED® College Ready+Credit score have demonstrated some of the same skills that are taught in college/university-level courses. These students may be eligible for up to 10 semester hours of college/university credit, depending on the policies of the institution they are attending or to which they are applying. This represents the top 8% of high school graduates in the U.S.”
What subjects does the GED® test?
The 2014 GED® test consists of four subjects which you can book to write on different days:
- Reasoning through Language Arts – 150 minutes (including a 10-minute break)
- Mathematical Reasoning – 90 minutes
- Science – 90 minutes
- Social Studies – 90 minutes
What is the pass mark on the GED® test?
Each test is scored on a scale from 100 to 200 and you must get 145 for each subject to pass. This means you should answer at least 60-65% of the questions on each test correctly in order to pass.
You must pass each test in order to pass the GED® overall.
Is the GED® credential recognised in South Africa?
*SAQA, the South African Qualifications Authority, has evaluated the GED® and found the National Senior Certificate as its closest comparable qualification. Candidates with a GED® credential may be eligible to apply for a Certificate of Evaluation from SAQA which states that the closest comparable qualification in South Africa is the National Senior Certificate (matric) or an NQF Level 4 qualification. You can read this for yourself on their site here: SAQA
Click on the image on the right to view it full size and see an example of a SAQA Certificate of Evaluation.
Is the GED® a matric?
No, the GED® is considered to be a foreign grade 12 equivalent*. The nearest comparable South African qualification is the National Senior Certificate, grade 12 or matric. See the question above.
Can candidates with a GED® credential apply to a South African university?
A student can only be accepted to study at a South African university if they qualify for, apply for and are granted exemption from Universities South Africa (USAF).
Only students who meet any of the possible exemption requirements as per the Gazette, may apply to USAf for consideration.
- Foreign Conditional Exemption (for foreigners only)
- Exemption by virtue of academic achievement at tertiary level
- Senatorial Discretion
- Mature Age Exemption
As with any kind of matric or alternative, not all students may be accepted at the faculty of their choice for the degree of their choice.
Read more about the various options and pathways in the University section of this website.
Students with a GED may need to navigate a unique pathway to the study programme of their choice. Take a look at Where Do GED Graduates Study?
However, it is also possible to be admitted to an overseas (online) university with a GED® diploma as some of our graduates have done.
Many overseas universities accept the GED® for admission purposes and offer highly regarded degree programmes. South African GED® graduates who wish to enrol for degree study do have the option to consider overseas online university degrees.
Read our GED Success Stories
Can you study at a tertiary institution with a GED®?
Yes, but you need to research the pathway to your career goal. Read the information in the University section of our website for more details about various options.
Different faculties of different institutions may have their own entrance criteria, so it is always best to first check with the institution of your choice. However, in general, the GED® credential is recognised as being equivalent* to Grade 12. See the question above. Read our GED® Success Stories.
How long does it take to prepare for the GED®?
The online study material is self-paced, so the time it may take candidates to prepare and feel ready to book their tests may vary, depending on the candidate’s level of education prior to starting the online course.
Enrolment is for one year starting anytime, but this can be renewed if necessary.
Is there a prescribed curriculum to study for the GED?
In which course should I enrol my child?
Use the information below to decide which course would be the most appropriate for you or your student, depending on age and academic skill level.
Age 15 or Grade 9 or lower – Build foundations with the GED Beginners Course
- Enrol in the GED Beginners course for Maths and English.
- Take other courses for Science and Social Studies. Read What to Do Before the GED®
- Pursue other interests and useful activities that will build your skills and life experience. 10 Things for a 15-year old before the GED®
Age 16+ or Grade 10 level – Prepare for the GED tests in South Africa, with Online GED Prep™
- Enrol in the online GED prep course and Acing the Argumentative Essay on the GED®
- The Premium enrolment option includes Acing the Argumentative Essay course. The Regular enrolment option does not, but you can buy it as an optional extra later, if you choose. Enrol now.
- Take the GED Ready® Tests
Age 17+ – Earn your GED® grade 12 high school equivalency credential
After completing the Online GED Prep course and GED Ready® Tests, you can take the official GED tests to earn your GED® diploma. How to Book a GED Test
Is there a minimum requirement to write the GED®?
There is no prerequisite qualification. To write the GED® tests in South Africa, candidates must be age 17 or older and must have a form of South African identification with a photo and signature, such as a Smart ID, ID book or Passport.
If you use a passport, check that it also shows the candidate’s signature.
Students who have reached about grade 10 level or higher usually manage very well.
Is there a readiness test to check if I am ready to write the GED® tests?
Yes, on the website of the GED® Testing Service you can download free GED® practice tests for each of the four GED® tests.
You can also purchase a GED® Ready Test for each subject at $7.00 per test. According to the GED® Testing Service, this is “the only practice test built to tell a student if they are likely to pass the real thing.“
There are also free Assessment Guides for Educators which you can download to see a detailed description of the content of the tests for each subject.
For South Africans, you can purchase the GED Ready® Tests using most debit cards, credit cards or pay by EFT for R130 excl. VAT ( at the following link: GED® Ready Tests
Click here for screenshotted guidelines to help you take a GED Ready® Test: Online GED Test Booking
When do I get my GED® test results?
When you have written and passed all four tests you will receive an electronic version of your GED® High School Equivalency Credential, issued by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education in Washington, DC.
You get one free paper diploma posted to you, but you have to follow the instructions in the email you receive and claim it.
You do not get a free transcript. You have to pay for a hard copy to be sent to you from the USA.
You can apply online for a hard copy at a cost of USD $15 plus postage. Here are some guidelines to help you apply online. How to Order a GED Diploma and Transcript
Click on the image of the Transcript to see a larger version.
Can I apply for a remark if I failed by one or two points?
The GED tests are all multiple choice tests that are marked by computer. An answer is either right or wrong. There is no chance of changing a score for a multiple choice test.
You can only apply for a rescore on your RLA Writing test. (The essay part of the test is not multiple choice.) To request a rescore of your written response phone 011 083 8844, or email below information to help@ged.com:
- Name and surname
- Date and time of the exam for review.
There is a $50 charge to challenge your mark, but if your score changes, you will be refunded the full $50.
It is unlikely that the score would change as even the way the essays are scored is very structured, using a prescribed rubric.
Can a candidate rewrite if s/he fails?
Yes, the test may be rewritten twice. If a candidate fails twice, the test may only be rewritten again 60 days later…(but we’ll help you prepare to succeed!)
There is no minimum grade criterion to qualify for such a rewrite opportunity but it will attract a test fee. The GED® test score report will provide you with detailed feedback to address the skills you need to work on.
The tests are mostly multiple choice questions which are marked by artificial intelligence. The answer selected by a student is either right or wrong. It is not open to interpretation.
You can only apply for a rescore on your RLA Writing test. To request a rescore of your written response phone 011 083 8844, or email help@ged.com for help from the GED Testing Service in the USA.
- Name and surname
- Date and time of the exam for review.
- There is a $50 charge to challenge your mark, but if your score changes, you will be refunded the full $50
Are accommodations allowed for candidates with learning disabilities or special educational needs?
Yes…Click here for information about accommodations and the necessary application forms.
If you still have questions, you can email your questions to the GEDTS Accommodations team at accommodations@ged.com
What does it cost to enrol with Go Prep™?
Click here for prices and enrolment information. Enrolment is for one year’s access to the online GED® study material which can be extended for another year if necessary. Enrol now
What are the technical requirements of my pc or laptop for studying the online GED® classes?
Technical requirements:
1. Internet Browser: Use only the Chrome browser on a laptop or desktop computer
On a tablet, iPad or other mobile device use the Puffin Web Browser
2. PDF viewer (built in Chrome)
3. Monitor Resolution: 1280×768 or higher
4. Sound card and speakers or headphones
You can check that your system (browser, flash, operating system etc) is up to date at this link:
Below are more useful downloads which are free:
1. Chrome Browser
2. Adobe Reader
3. Directions to clear your browser’s cache
How much data do I need to do the online GED® study course?
There are a lot of factors that go into this and so it is not possible to give an exact figure.
A typical student would use around 1-4 GB to work through the entire online GED® program.
Currently, the overall size of the data files for the content is approximately 11 GB, however a GED® student won’t need to access all of that content during use of the programme. This is not a maximum either though, because a student may download the same piece of content multiple times.
Here are some of the factors that influence data usage:
- The student’s customised lesson plan allows them to skip content they already know. The more content they can skip, the less data they will use.
- If a student retakes a piece of content, they might have to download it again or they might not, depending on their caching settings and how much time has passed since they last took it. If a student were to attempt each lesson twice, that could double their data usage for the program.
- The student may choose to take optional content or not, such as: review lessons, computer essentials lessons, and extra practice tests.
Most content falls into the range of 1 MB – 15 MB per piece and the average is probably around 5 MB, the largest piece of is around 30 MB, but technically the system is set to allow content up to around 50 MB per piece.
How do I book the GED® Tests?
Candidates must book their tests themselves online at the official GED® Testing Service website. A fee of USD $80 per test must be paid online using a credit card. Click here for screen-shotted guidelines through the process of Online GED Test Booking.
Please note that candidates must have a South African ID or passport with a photo and signature, in order to write the GED® tests.
Foreigners must have a study permit or refugee status in order to be allowed to write the tests in South Africa. See below.
This is in accordance with the Immigration Act and regulations set out by the Department of Home Affairs.
What must I do if I get an age or eligibility alert when trying to book a test?
Eligibility Alerts occur because you have created more than one GED.com profile. The GED® will need to merge these accounts. You must email help@ged.com directly and provide them with your name, GED ID number and a scanned copy of your ID.
Age alerts occur because you are under the age of 18, irrespective of your country’s testing age. You must download the consent form from your ged.com profile. Your parent or legal guardian must complete it, you then scan and email it to help@ged.com.
There are screenshotted guidelines to assist you through the test booking process, including handling the alert at Online GED Test Booking.
Can foreign immigrants write the GED® tests in South Africa?
Yes, foreigners who are legally living in South Africa may write the GED® tests at local test centres.
However, foreign immigrants may not go through the regular online booking process and arrive at a test centre to write their GED® tests.
They have to go through a complex application and internal process. The application may take at least 10 working days to be reviewed.
In accordance with the Immigration Act, only students who have a South African ID or passport, a valid study permit, refugee status or foreign nationals residing in South Africa and holding any valid (non-expired) permit/visa, issued to such an individual by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA), deemed to be in transit (travelling in the Republic as a tourist), or as a citizen from a SADC country visiting the Republic for a period not exceeding the minimum allowed period by the DHA, before being required to apply for a temporary residence permit, may request to make use of a Boston City Campus & Business College PEARSON VUE Testing Centre, in order to participate in proctored online GED-assessment events. Candidates with an expired permit/visa will not be permitted to participate in booked tests.
In order to request to make use of a Boston City Campus & Business College PEARSON VUE Testing Centre, all foreign nationals must email an official request to fn@ged.org.za and include the proposed Boston City Campus & Business College accredited VUE Testing Centre, a clear certified scanned copy of a valid passport and permit/visa and all other related travel documentation. GED.org.za (head office in South Africa) reserves the right to charge for the administration processing of these applications.
Where do I write the GED® Tests in South Africa?
There are 38 GED® test centres in South Africa at Boston VUE Testing Centres. When you book your tests online you will be given the option of choosing the test centre closest to your address and the address of the test venue, a contact number and a map will be provided.
You can choose from the available dates and time slots and book a test date and time that is convenient for you.
Can I use a calculator?
You may not take a calculator into the exam room. An on-screen calculator will be provided for you to use where permitted.
You will also have a whiteboard and marker to use to do any rough work.
What do I do if there is loadshedding on the day of my test?
If there is a power outage during your test, the testing centre will log a case with Pearson VUE. Once they have reviewed your case they will email you their decision. Should a resit be approved, you will need to contact International Pearson VUE directly to rebook your test. The testing centre is not able to rebook test dates on your behalf. You can contact the International Pearson VUE Call Centre on the South African number +27 (0) 11 083 8844 or on the International number +44 (0) 161-855-7440.
I can't understand my score. The percentile rank does not equal my percentage. Why?
The percentile rank is not a percentage. It shows your rank or position in a cohort of test takers. Say your percentile rank is 62. This means that 62% of test takers scored the same as you or lower.
You cannot divide your score in half to calculate a percentage as your GED score is a scaled score.
This document explains the scores more fully: GED Score Reporting
How do I apply to SAQA for a Certificate of Evaluation?
SAQA can now internally verify a student's GED® credentials directly on the GED® system. Therefore you do not have to send certificates as these can be sent directly from America to SAQA.
Go to SAQA's Foreign Qualifications Evaluation and Advisory Services
Follow the application steps as per the instructional video. You can view it embedded on our site along with these instructions here: After the GED
Be sure to upload the following documents in PDF format:
- A printout of the application form, bearing the signature of the qualification holder and date of submission.
- Proof of the payment due to SAQA. This MUST bear the online submission as reference.
- A readable certified copy of a valid ID document (or passport, or asylum seeker permit) for the Qualifications Holder.
- A signed consent form.
- Consent form signed by the Qualification Holder, authorising SAQA to verify authenticity.
- Qualification documents that meet the requirements stated on the document After your online application.
N.B: Applicants will not receive any refunds in respect of non-compliant applications if they do not fix those within the time allowed.
NB: Only applications that are complete with applicable requirements will be accepted.
Please note that GED® South Africa is not able to guarantee that SAQA will issue a Certificate of Evaluation to every student. SAQA reviews each application on an individual basis and it is at their discretion. This process is correct at time of publishing (23 August 2023).
*SAQA (the South African Qualifications Authority) has evaluated the GED® and found the National Senior Certificate as its closest comparable qualification. As with any kind of matric or high school credential, there is no guarantee that a GED® graduate will be granted exemption from USAf, nor that a university will accept his/her application, as there may be other selection criteria too. Read more here: University with a GED® and read our GED Success Stories.
Disclaimer: Although every effort has been taken to provide accurate, up-to-date and correct information, Go Prep™ (previously Online GED Prep) shall never be liable for losses or other damages that may result from inaccuracy or incompleteness of information on this website about universities and their requirements.