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After the GED

After the GED, when you have completed all four of the GED® tests, you will need this info explaining how to order hard copies of your credentials and how to apply to SAQA for a certificate of evaluation.

You will receive all your scores in digital format, but it is advisable to also order paper copies of your diploma. You can order one free copy of your diploma, but you should also order a paper copy of the transcript (report with scores), for which you must pay.

How to Order Your GED® Diploma

Click here for How to Order a Paper Copy of your GED Transcript and Diploma after the GED® 

GED Transcript - sample
GED Transcript (sample)
GED Credential

How to Apply to SAQA for a Certificate of Evaluation

Not all GED® graduates will need to apply for a Certificate of Evaluation from SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority). This is only necessary if it is requested by a college admissions department or employer.

Please note that this information is offered as a convenience for our GoPrep customers. We cannot assist you with applications to SAQA. If you need to query or escalate your application, if you have not had a response from SAQA after three weeks, please email the GED head office in Johannesburg at

SAQA certificate of evaluation
Sample of a SAQA certificate (redacted)

Click on this link to go to SAQA’s Foreign Qualifications Evaluation and Advisory Services.

Follow the application steps as per the instructional video below.

Please remember to upload the following documents in PDF Format:

  • A printout of the application form, bearing the signature of the qualification holder and date of submission.
  • Proof of the payment due to SAQA. This MUST bear the on-line submission as reference.
  • A readable certified copy of a valid ID document (or passport, or asylum seeker permit) for the Qualifications Holder.
  • A signed Consent form.
  • Consent form signed by the Qualification Holder, authorising SAQA to verify authenticity.
  • Qualification documents that meet the requirements stated on the document.

N.B: Applicants will not receive any refunds in respect of non-compliant applications if they do not fix those within the time allowed.

SAQA is now able to internally verify your GED® credentials directly on the GED® system. You are therefore no longer required to order the third party verification to be sent directly from America to SAQA.

NB: Only applications that are complete with applicable requirements will be accepted.

Please note that GED® South Africa is not able to guarantee that SAQA will issue a Certificate of Evaluation to every student. SAQA reviews each application on an individual basis and it is at their discretion. This process is correct at time of publishing (23 August 2023).