Niel completed his GED, achieved a degree and graduated with a success entrepreneurial business venture too. Scroll down for the English translation. Niel het sy GED voltooi, ‘n graad behaal en ook met ‘n suksesvolle entrepreneuriese sakeonderneming gegradueer.
Hierdie is Niel se GED suksesstorie, geskryf deur sy ma, Elize Lambrechts, April 2023
“Hierdie skrywe is spesiaal vir die Afrikaanse gesinne:
Ek wil vandag tuisskool families bemoedig. Ons tweede kind het sy graad in B.Com (Bestuursrekeningkunde) by Akademia* verwerf met sy GED as matriekalternatief.
Niel het twaalf jaar lank getuisskool. Ons uitgangspunt was om ons kinders toe te rus vir die lewe en nie om hulle af te rig vir matriek nie.
Jy kies ‘n onbekende pad, maar as ek weer kon kies sou ek dit weer doen. Die vryheid wat ons kinders beleef het om goed te leer, te ontdek en te beleef was van ontskatbare waarde. Vaardighede, waagmoed en kritiese denke en kreatiwiteit was iets wat deel geword het van sy lewe. Ons het jare vir lande gebid. Sekere lande produseer koffie en dit is hul grootste bron van inkomste – dit was die begin van sy droom. Koffie het ‘n projek, belangstelling en later sy inkomstestroom geword.
Niel het van sy tweede jaar af eers ‘n klein koffie stasie begin. Later is nog drie ander besighede op die been gebring. Hulle voorsien vandag werk aan sewe mense. Dit het alles saam met sy studies gebeur. Die Universiteit van Akademia wat satellietkampusse het, bied aandklasse aan. Dit het perfek saam met alles wat hy gedoen het ingepas. In die dag het hy sy besighede (BrewO2) saam met sy vennoot bestuur. In die aand het hy klas gedraf of geleer. Uithouvermoë en harde werk lewer vrug op.

Niel was goed toegerus met goeie leermateriaal voor hy sy GED kursus gedoen en geskryf het. Hy het ‘n “gap” jaar gedoen, waar hy homself toegerus het met nog vaardighede. Hy het vir iemand ‘n program in die besigheidswêreld geskryf om sy administrasie makliker te maak. Niel moes eers sy hoërertifikaat in bestuursrekeningkunde doen, daarna kon hy aangaan met sy graad. Vir twee jaar lank was hy onder die eerste vyf studente in die land van sy klas. Later het die besighede bygekom, steeds kon hy sy studies met goeie punte voltooi. Hy kon die teorie en praktyk saam doen.
‘n Anonieme persoon het hom raakgesien en sy studies vir hom betaal! Hoe sê ‘n mens “dankie”?
Ek wil gesinne aanmoedig: moenie Afrikaans afskeep nie, jy weet nooit wanneer jou deur oopgaan wanneer jy Afrikaans as taal nodig het nie.
Dankie Shirley Erwee vir jou ongelooflike ondersteuning!”
(*Akademia is ‘n Afrikaanse universiteit)
Niel se GED-suksesstorie is een van vele. Lees meer van ons GED-suksesstories en stuur vir ons joune!
Niel’s GED Success Story
This is Niel’s GED success story, written by his mother, Elize Lambrechts, April 2023
“This submission is specially for Afrikaans families:
I want to encourage homeschool families today. Our second child obtained his degree in B.Com (Management Accounting) through Akademia* with his GED as a Grade 12 alternative.
Niel was home educated for 12 years. Our goal was to equip our children for life and not to train them for matric.
You choose an unknown path, but if I had to choose again, I would do it again. The freedom our children experienced to learn, discover and experience things was of inestimable value. Skills, daring and critical thinking and creativity were something that became part of Niel’s life. We have prayed for years for countries. Certain countries produce coffee and this is their biggest source of income – this was the beginning of his dream. Coffee became a project, interest and later his income stream.
Niel first started a small coffee station in his second year. Later three other businesses were established. Today they provide for seven people. This all happened along with his studies. The University of Akademia which has satellite campuses, offers night classes. It fitted perfectly with everything he has was doing. During the day he managed his businesses (BrewO2) together with his partner. In the evenings, he attended classes or studied. Endurance and hard work bear fruit.

Niel was equipped with good learning material before he wrote the GED. He did a “gap” year where he acquired with more skills. He wrote a programme for someone in the business world to make his administration easy. Niel first had to do his higher certificate in management accounting, then he could continue with his degree. For two years he was among the top five students in the country in his class. Later the businesses came along and still he was able to complete his studies with good grades. He could do the theory and practice together.
An anonymous person noticed him and paid for his studies! How do you say “thank you”?
I want to encourage you: don’t neglect Afrikaans, you never know when a door will open where you need Afrikaans as a language.
Thank you Shirley Erwee for your incredible support!”
(*Akademia is an Afrikaans university)
Niel’s GED success story is one of many. Read more of our GED Success Stories and please send us yours!
Read Brent’s GED success story
Read Liam’s GED Success Magna Cum Laude
Read Kayleigh’s success story