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The GED® – The Solution for So Many Situations

The GED® credential is an educational option that is the solution for so many different people in so many different situations and the GED is bound to be the solution for YOU too.

It’s a solution for:

The GED is a solution for so many situations
  1. Adults who never completed their matric, and who want a grade 12 equivalent* credential for their own personal satisfaction (to prove they can do it) or for better job opportunities and advancement.

2. School-leavers who failed matric and need a grade 12 equivalent* credential to continue their studies and training. The GED® is your second chance! Read how the GED was the solution for a young man who failed matric.

  1. Homeschoolers who want an alternative to the National Senior Certificate.

4. High schoolers who are just not flourishing in the school system, because of learning disabilities, bullying or various other reasons and who want to get out of the system, but who do not want to drop out of learning.

My daughter struggled with other curricula and just could not cope. Since we started with the GED, we had support every time we needed it.
I recommend online GED to all our friends who needs an alternative to matric.

judy pretorius

Its not a shameful thing to drop out of high school, when its not working for you. In fact, that’s a sensible choice to make. Its a brave and courageous first step in a new direction. It shows that you have recognised that school is not ideal for you and you are choosing to take action and look for change. You are brave, you are ambitious, you are choosing something else!

Whatever your situation, if you are motivated, you can succeed.

Our online GED® study programme is an incredible tool to help you fill in any gaps in your skills in each subject and prepare for the official GED® tests.

It’s a self-paced course, so you study at your convenience and you get to choose your own test dates. No pressure, no deadlines. You can take as little or as much time as you need.

You do not need to memorise a lot of facts and information to pass the GED® as, unlike traditional school exams, the GED® seeks to test other 21st century skills that will be useful in the workplace, skills like:

  • Critical thinking
  • Evaluation and judgement
  • Reading and writing to communicate
  • Mathematics
  • Problem solving
  • Information processing

Employers, universities** and colleges value these skills.  The good news is that it is not impossible to develop your thinking and reasoning skills and its more stimulating, in our opinion than memorising a lot of facts.

The online GED® programme will help you develop these skills. It gives you practice tests and it actually tells you when you are READY to book your official GED® test.

It’s a recipe for SUCCESS.

Asande is highly intelligent, but found school boring and unstimulating. He was underachieving. He heard about the GED® and decided to leave school in grade 11. In 4 months he completed his GED® with top scores and was accepted to study at AFDA – The School for the Creative Economy!

Robin was in a similar situation, started his GED® in April 2018, wrote maths by the end of that month and passed it with a score that puts him in the top 8%!

Aneke said she always felt she wasn’t smart enough to stay in public school, but the GED® gave her hope and then she sent us this email:

I would just like to share my awesome exciting news with you. I got accepted to UNISA today and I already did my registration.  

I still can’t believe I got my GED® and I got into UNISA and it all got accomplished in 4 months. Just wanted to say thanks again.


Take the first step on your journey to success and enrol with Online GED.

Take the first step to success.

Online GED South Africa

Over 20 million people have earned the GED® credential around the world and in South Africa. It has enabled them to study further and given them better career opportunities. We, at Go Prep™ (previously Online GED Prep), will guide you at each step so that you can become one of them too. You can enrol at any time of year and book your tests whenever you are ready. No pressure. No deadlines.

*SAQA (the South African Qualifications Authority) has evaluated the GED® and found the National Senior Certificate as its closest comparable qualification. As with any kind of matric or high school credential, there is no guarantee that a GED® graduate will be granted exemption from USAf, nor that a university will accept his/her application, as there may be other selection criteria too. Read more here: University with a GED® and read our GED Success Stories.

Disclaimer: Although every effort has been taken to provide accurate, up-to-date and correct information, Go Prep™ (previously Online GED Prep) shall never be liable for losses or other damages that may result from inaccuracy or incompleteness of information on this website about universities and their requirements.