Start a GED tutor centre and help to meet a growing need for small centres where students can study to prepare for the GED® tests.
Since many parents are looking for alternatives to the mainstream school system and are interested in the GED®, a grade 12 alternative, there is a growing need for small tutor centres, cottage schools or other types of learning centres around the country. Here learners can receive support and assistance while they prepare for the GED® tests. There is also a need for adult learning centres.
The ability to track daily activity and status is excellent to ensure we stay on track. The solution is flexible and we can decide where or how our studies take place. It also allows my students to take control – a vital life skill on their journey to independence.
Julia Katic
We offer a discount on enrolment fees to learning centres who enrol 10 or more students at one time.
We send referrals to learning centres and cottage schools who enrol their students with us. Contact us on the form below.
Many teenagers need an emotionally safe place, where they can continue their education while they heal, should they have experienced any “damage” in the school system – from any bullying, labelling or peer pressure etc.
Others just need a small class, where they can study at their own pace and pursue a customised education, tailor-made for their needs and goals.
Parents need the reassurance that their children will be overseen and kept accountable while they work through the online GED® study programme, in preparation for writing their GED® tests.
Parents who have homeschooled their own children through the high school years as well as passionate teachers, who are looking for a new work situation, where they can work in greater freedom than in the school system and make a real difference in the lives of their students are good candidates to start a GED® tutor centre.
At Go Prep™ (previously Online GED Prep™) we offer the service of providing access to the online GED prep course and supporting tutors as they guide their students through the process of studying and writing the GED® tests and preparing them to be successful young adults.
We can send you tips and guidelines for obtaining the information you need to start a GED® tutor centre in your area.
If you already run a learning centre, contact us about enrolling your students with Go Prep™.
What to do before the GED®

Since there is no prescribed curriculum to follow to prepare for the GED® you can give your children a unique, customised education and let them pursue whatever interests them.
Since the GED® tests four subjects, it makes sense to encourage your children to develop their skills in those subjects. This article has some recommendations of homeschool curricula: What to Do Before the GED®
Take a free day trial to check if your child is ready to enrol.
Email us at info@goprep.co.za or submit the form below: