Go Prep™ clients love sharing what they have enjoyed about the online GED prep course and the service that we offer to help them through each step of their GED® journey.
Also read our GED Success Stories, about students who have been accepted to study at universities and colleges.
Janine Brown: Best thing we ever did was sign our son up for his GED. He completed his final exam last year and it was a lifesaver for us as a family.
June 2024
Zoë Donald: We have LOVED the GED. My son just needs to write Language and then we are all done…I love the way that the GED promotes critical thinking and understanding rather than parrot learning. Discernment is such a critical skill in the world we live in. Better than content any day of the week.
Toni McAdam: My daughter wanted a skill. She wants to start working early and GED was all she needed. And it was quick and affordable.
Gemma Hartnick: It was an efficient and cost effective stepping stone to further pursuits.
Pumla Ntsele: My son likes GED because he can type instead of write. He says it’s flexible and easy to access lessons anywhere and anytime. It is also affordable for parents.
Susan A: I have a cottage school. I love the flexibility of the GED – you can do it anywhere, any time. I appreciate the reasoning approach, instead of the memorization focus of other, conventional curricula.
Sheri-lee Bawden: My two boys are very practical, and felt school work was a waste of time, so just wanted to get school over with.
Angeline Taljaard: My sons chose GED due to it being internationally recognized and I didn’t want to limit their choices should they choose to study abroad. They will also complete matric a year ahead of their peers in public schools, which shows hard work and dedication. GED is a God-send. My boys are no longer overwhelmed with too much work and there is no exam stress during the year. I have very happy and well-adjusted boys preparing for their future. It is also cost-effective and user-friendly.
Marlene van Rooyen: Some of my learners are tired of mainstream schooling that is a waste of time, over assessed and content heavy and does not teach them any skills. Others are professional sports people, looking to move abroad to further their sports careers.
Lauren Hugo: My kids don’t want to do a second language.
July 2022
Erika Bergh: Best choice we have ever made. Our son did his GED and although the pass rate is very high … and everything is in English (us being Afrikaans) he passed with flying colors! He said it is much better than school and although not easier it is much easier to study as everything is factual to the point and well explained. I would definitely encouraged someone struggling in the mainstream schools to consider homeschooling and go with GED. He did it all on his own but I know there are lots of tutoring groups and classes. Thank you Shirley and team may you go from strength to strength in assisting young and old to get their high school qualification.
March 2022
Dear Jonathan,
Thank you for all your help throughout the last 5 years. Thank you for always responding promptly to my queries. Your empathy, help and assistance, no matter how small the problem, is greatly appreciated.
Our homeschool journey has come to an end. Because of your and Shirley’s support, homeschooling high school, was at the end, not that hard.
Thank you again.
Louise Shelver
March 2020
Yugan Pillay: Just over 6 months and our son Kaveshan Pillay has done it…last exam this morning. So proud of him. Thanks to the fantastic online course purchased from Go Prep™…@Shirley Erwee truly a great system for passing the GED.
April 2019
Dear Shirley
Our eldest son, Petri (Petrus) Duvenage successfully completed his GED on 14 February 2019. He enrolled for the online GED prep on 17 July 2018.
Thank you for the excellent preparation and professional support he received from day 1! He turned 18 in March (2019) and has got the rest of his “matric year” to start working already. He will be leaving early in May to work on a farm in North Dakota, USA, to earn money, which would help him to study next year.
His experience while doing the online GED prep, as well as the final tests written at Boston College in Welkom, was very, very positive! He passed with excellent results and we believe he would be accepted at any tertiary institution of his choice.
His results were as follows:
Math Reasoning 197/200
Language – English 176/200
Science 169/200
Social Studies 164/200
Average: 176.5/200 (88%)
We would like to encourage all homeschoolers to stand firm and press through! We have been homeschooling since 2012 and all three our sons are enjoying it so much. Simon, our second son, has turned 16 last November. He started with Go Prep™ (previously called Online GED Prep) during February 2019, and has already written Math Reasoning before 31 March 2019. (Got 185/200!)
Thank you so much for everything that you do for homeschooling in South Africa! May God bless you!
Kind regards
Pieter and Ina Duvenage
06 March 2019 – Ann-Drea Annie Stock: I wrote my last exam yesterday, passed all four. I just want to thank you for everything, whenever I needed something you were there. I’m very excited for the future, thanks to you and the program I can start the next phase of my life.
26 September 2018 – Marita G: First, I would like to thank you for the part you played in getting our daughter into University…My daughter is doing very well at UJ. She is considered for the Dean’s award. She has also been invited and will attend the First Year Top Achievements Ceremony tomorrow.
20 February 2018 – Duan J: I worked on the system a little yesterday and so far I am loving it! Seems like the solution I’ve been praying for.
18 February 2018 – Ankea H: My daughter M. is doing the GED & all I can say is wow – her whole attitude has changed towards school. I’m so thankful.
September 2017
7 September 2017 – Ilze Lombaard du Plessis wrote: Shirley, may I share this great news? Anyone who worries about homeschooling high school and beyond – there is NOTHING to be concerned about. You are in the pound seats. It is the children who are still in school trying to pass FET, that should be concerned. There are more and more learners leaving school that will not find a job.
My son just started GED® this week and he is thrilled about Social sciences. He started with Social sciences because he reconned do the bad subject first and get it over and done with, so if the bad subject is going so well, I can’t wait to see how he is doing in the other subjects. But this is not all… He is now part of the Junior Academy of Science of New York, only because he has time on his hands… wouldn’t be possible if he was doing FET. And that is not everything yet, he also enrolled for a Master Class course in Scoring – one of the things he wanted to study after school…. and it is not just a course from a South African institution, it is from the best scorer in the world – Hans Zimmer.
He is still doing everything he done while in school – playing viola, playing in a band, doing drama. He has been participating in Oraters since grade 1, still done it last year, but asked me to take a break this year – but it was his choice, he could’ve participated if he wanted to. My son also worked on a movie during July and he will start scoring the movie in the coming weeks.
Nothing of this would have ever been part of his life if he was still in school. He would still be frustrated – only doing grade 10 now, while he can finish his GED® in a few months. I don’t think my son lacks any socialization. He has never been more busy working in collaboration with others than now.
9 September 2017 – Ilze Lombaard du Plessis wrote: Shirley I just want to let you know – it was quite a tug-of-war in our house getting my son in front of the books when he was doing FET. Since he is busy with GED, I have to tell him to take breaks. He is busy with Social Studies and he just loves the way his mind and brain are infused with the kind of thoughts it stimulates. He started on Monday and he has almost finished the basics.
July 2017
Theri Rossouw: My daughter left school at the end of gr. 7 labelled a failure and she was suicidal at the time due to pressure.
I deschooled her and just wanted to focus on her doing courses in things that interested her. I had NO intention of pushing her to get a matric if she could find her passion instead.
At 14 she obtained an international masters diploma in cake decorating. At 15 she went to college and studied special effects makeup and prosthetics for the film industry. It was at 16 that she had a constructive debate with her friends and their comments were she would make an awesome lawyer. So she decided on her own accord that she wanted to finish school so that IF she decided to study law, she could.
She is doing her GED® and that is the best decision we have ever made regarding her schooling.
Passed her science exam with flying colours and is doing English next week. Then 2 more and she is DONE. 2 years ahead of her school going friends.
She has this bizarre passion for Japan and has been teaching herself Japanese. She is even researching the cost of living, how to work and live there on an SA passport and what jobs are sought so that she can study or move in a direction that will OPEN doors to her moving to Japan.
I’m encouraging it all the way.
Just GO WITH THE FLOW. Amazingly they figure things out for themselves… and THAT is what makes us GOOD parents, because we BELIEVE in our kids and encourage them rather than a dictatored school system.
May 2017
Susan E: I need to share with you just how wonderful homeschooling and GED® is for me. After a mere two months I realized just how much we miss with the institution of public schooling.
My youngest child was on a downward spiral in all aspects of his life and I just found the courage one day to take him out of school. Two months later, he is finished with pre-GED, is mastering engineering graphics excellently, after not understanding a word of it in school, he is learning so much every day.
His dog of 7 years picked up about a ton of weight just from pure bliss; for the first time in his life, he really has the opportunity to spend time with his dog, his horses and his parents. Away are the stressful times of useless school projects, deadlines, bullying, bad influences and self-loathing. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy my child. He is so sharp and funny and precious. And I can share in all that. And help him to become the man growing inside of him.
What a wonderful opportunity! I wish I had the courage to do it for my two older children too when they were in school! The one-on-one method of online GED prep [from Go Prep™] is perfect and he is enjoying school so much!
January 2017
Hi Shirley
Deon V: My son was in [name removed] High School till grade 10 and always battled to understand maths. In grade 10 first term they had a maths teacher for the first month and then he resigned. They had then another teacher for 2 months and then the teacher passed away caused by cancer. Then they were over 55 learners in maths class. This was in Afrikaans.
Since he did GED® he said it is the first time he understood maths and even in English. His marks are far more than what he achieved in school. The way GED® teaches you to do the maths and to understand is much better than he learned in school. He even had extra classes in school. In school exams they try to catch you out. In GED® they teach you how to understand maths and what to do to be able to get to the right answer.
7 November 2017 – Gernon Michaels: The service level and dedication to quality from your side is unbelievable and much appreciated.”
7 November 2017- Nozi M: I’m short of words my dear sister but the Lord God will thank you for me Makabongwe passed his GED yesterday I have sent the transcript to AFDA Asande will be finishing next week … Thanks a million times. …You are a star.
8 November 2017 – Wendy M: I want to acknowledge and honour you tonight. Our son has passed his GED today. You have been so kind in every way. THANK YOU!! You are just a blessing beyond description Shirley! What this experience has meant to him, I cannot begin to explain!! Grace, mercy and hope!! I can only CONFIRM to you that our Heavenly Father IS USING YOU in a very real way!! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!
2 August 2017 – Micaela Pieters: Thank you so so much for your help! I have only good things to say about my studies, and I appreciate your help through it all.
29 May 2017 – Tammy Killion: My son got good scores. Your course is excellent….Thank you for all your assistance. I will definitely let my next son do your course when he is ready.
18 May 2017 – Renaldo started his GED studies on 15 March and he finished on 18 May 2017: “Hi there Shirley. I am so happy wrote my last test today and received my GED credential. Now just waiting upon SAT results which will be released on the 8th of June. Thank you soooooo much for helping me attain this credential as it now puts me on international education opportunities!
29 July 2017 – Owethu Dlamini: I wanted to say that I am thoroughly enjoying the lessons. I am having no problems understanding the work. The assignments are superb and I am very happy with the my progress and the program. Thank you so much for giving my family an opportunity to explore a different field of studying.
19 April 2017 – Julia Katic: Thank you so much with everything you have done to help with the GED® journey. Not only is this software seriously affordable, it also provides wonderful instruction and practice for the exams. The ability to track daily activity and status is excellent to ensure we stay on track. The solution is flexible and we can decide where or how our studies take place. It also allows my students to take control – a vital life skill on their journey to independence. I am also very grateful to you for the immediate support and wonderfully clear communication.
Gemma Hartnick – July 2017: “Hi all, my review (currently using it with #2, #1 was a few years ago and he used it very successfully).
What I love:
All online: Makes it very portable which works well for us.
All teaching provided: Apart from one or two small gaps that every child brings along with them, which may need some parental help, ALL the lessons are clearly and concisely explained (sometimes too much…my daughter says that Leonard thinks she’s a moron !)
Systematic progress: You start where your entrance test lands you and you proceed in an orderly fashion through the levels, at your own pace.
Parental control: My darling daughter is fairly conscientious. She is however 15, and sometimes spends weeks with her head filled with butterflies, boys and Bieber! It’s so easy for you as a parent to log in and check how much has been done/ time has been spent, without breaking the trust with your teen (which let’s be honest is hard enough to maintain without school work issues!).
Achievable without the need for ‘extra lessons/tutors’ for the vast majority of parents: This is a huge bonus for me, we did Cambridge and almost killed ourselves financially with all the help we needed (and I’m an English Major and my dad has a Maths honours degree and is an analytical chemist). The GED really is almost fool proof…yes, some extra help from free online sources may be needed in an area, but it’s within the grasp of all who have a good grounding.
Level of education: As a teacher, I feel qualified to comment on it as an educational standard. It is a great, rounded, broad ranging education which offers depth without excessive sweat equity. I want my children to THINK, not parrot, to QUESTION not recite. The online GED prep fits the bill perfectly.
Time frame: I LOVE that with adequate grounding, a teen can move on to the next phase of life in a year. With two hours a day of study, they have time to grow, to dream, to work (as in for money), to be sisters, daughters, friends, volunteers, sports people, artists, and STILL get that piece of paper. Teens need time not spent at books, to be all that they can be.
Price: By a million miles the best offering in this price range, bar none, and trust me, we’ve tried a whole LOAD of them !
End result: Yes, I have a child (well, at 19 he’s not exactly a child !) who HAS applied and gone to university on his GED ticket. It works…fact. x x x